What is a candle reading?

Have you ever lit a candle spell and suddenly noticed the flame begin to dance about? Has the wax ever flowed into peculiar formations? Or perhaps it begins to smoke? If this is so, there could be a message for you!

A candle reading is a combination of pyromancy (divination by fire), ceromancy (divination by wax) and capnomancy (divination by smoke). Quite simply, any unusual thing your candle spell does should be noted; what the flame is doing, the color of the flame, are there pillars forming, is there excess wax left behind, is it burning fast, is it burning slow and anything else that catches your attention.

The first step of submitting your candle spell for a reading is to decide where the front of the spell is. Then take pictures looking at the front of the spell. Also, take an aerial view photo with the front being at the bottom of the photo. Take pictures of any part of the spell you feel is noteworthy. Make sure to list all the details of how the candle behaved throughout its burning.

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After that we’ll work our magic!