Owl Knowing Process

“We have a little garden,

A garden of our own,

And every day we water there

The seeds that we have sown.

We love our little garden,

And tend it with such care,

You will not find a faded leaf

Or blighted blossom there.”

~ Beatrix Potter

The more love and energy you put into every aspect of your spell work, the stronger the effects will be.

Every ingredient matters, as does every aspect of this family business. Many of the herbs are grown, gathered and dried by the Owl Knowing Witch herself. No pesticides are ever used. When there is something needed that she does not grow, a great deal of consideration goes into selecting the right ingredient. Locally grown and organic products from mom & pop shops are preferred.

Beeswax and soy wax in particular, from U.S. suppliers are used for the candle spells. Cleaner ingredients make for a cleaner burning candle that is not releasing as much toxins into the air. Paraffin wax is never used since it is a petroleum based product. Beeswax has an especially high energy. Each bee produces about a tablespoon of honey in its lifetime. Somewhere between 15-22 pounds of honey is needed to produce about a pound of beeswax. Each smidgeon of beeswax is carefully formed by the bee to add to the honeycomb, at the precise thickness and shape needed. As you can see, a lot of care goes into every drip of precious beeswax, which gives it a higher vibration.

It is no secret that wax holds onto energies very easily. In the Hoo Doo tradition there are very specific cleansing rituals used to removed all the unwanted energies from candles purchased at an everyday retail store. Think about all the unintended energy added in to those candles from being mass produced at factories, to the overworked packers, to the underpaid stockers whom place them on the shelves. This is one of the reasons why purchasing wax from a small business supplier in the U.S. is so important to us. When making the candles, every aspect of the energy they are absorbing is taken into account, right down to the music that is played for each casting. Yes, every candle spell has a particular tune or song that is played during casting, to support its intentions.

Packing for each candle is also somewhat unique. We stick to recyclable packaging whenever possible. In efforts towards a zero waste lifestyle, you may also receive your candles in a box that has been re-used. There are also no glass containers used for the candles, which have to be set aside for recycling after use or more often than not are simply thrown away.


Quality Assurance

The entire process is overseen by

Her Fluffiness

Princess Penelope

Whom takes great interest, especially when the wicking string comes out…