Freedom to Be You


Mermaid lore is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. These sensuous sirens are said to lure sailors to their deaths with a mere song. Such fierce power! Mermaids are strong willed and follow their hearts above all else, casting aside other people’s expectations for them. They have no limits. They can swim the open seas without fear and are forever comfortable in their truly magical form. Who doesn’t dream of such freedom?

This mermaid spell invites you to to free yourself of self-imposed limitations. Too often we try to be somebody we’re not in order to meet someone else’s idea of who we ought to be; the dutiful daughter, the responsible parent, the can-do employee. But who are you really? Imagine if you shed all those personas and allowed yourself to be the person you truly are. You might just discover that you are far more incredible the anyone has ever imagined you t be- including yourself.

Holding a hand over her heart and sacral chakras, this mermaid symbolizes going within to realign with our true purpose and divine feminine energy. Free yourself of all the socially acceptable things a woman should be and allow yourself to be you!

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Self~Love Spell
Self~Love Spell
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